Posts tagged utmb
UTMB Training Tips: #7-11

And here is the last instalment of UTMB Training Tips. The first 6 are good for year-round training and a wide range of races. Most of your training should be sustainable - mere mortals shouldn't be out there running 100-mile weeks with 20K of vert for most of the year.

But UTMB is a monster. If you want to finish and especially if you want to race it well and not just survive, you have to go big. From ~10 weeks before the race until you taper, it’s time to turn things up to 11!

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UTMB Training Tips: # 1-3

UTMB is notorious for chewing up and spitting out runners, especially those of us who aren’t mountain goats that grew up in the Alps. The course is littered with DNFs. While finishing is unquestionably a great accomplishment, many runners end up 5-10 hours slower than their goal time and true potential. In 2011, Hal Koerner went for a podium spot and ended up on a 38 hour vision quest. There are endless armchair theories about why American men have struggled in recent years.

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Last UTMB Buildup Post

Here’s my last post about UTMB training and build up, this time including a few non running-specific components like physical therapy, diet, alcohol, and gear.

I’ve got two weeks of tapering until the big day, and I’m honestly enjoying a bit of a break after all the hard training.  At the same time, I can’t wait for race and to get back to the excitement of UTMB week in Chamonix!

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UTMB / Big Mountain Race Training Tips

Phew, training for UTMB and big mountain races is tough! 

Big mileage and vertical is a staple for any training program. For my UTMB buildup, I’ve been averaging 75+ miles with 12K+ feet of vertical per week.

But based building only gets you so far. , I’ve focused on several specific tactics to build mountain running fitness and prepare my body for the huge task of UTMB.

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